Sunday, September 03, 2006

52 years

In a few days (Sept. 6) we, my wife Fay and I, will be marking our 52nd wedding anniversary. From the day we first kissed until today life has been heaven on earth. How is that for a big lie on a Sunday morning? Maybe it's not a lie because marriage is "made in Heaven" but it is always played out on earth. Marriage will never fail because of poor planning in heaven, but it fails because of poor practice on earth.

Here is my chance to tell the world that I have a wonderful wife. Fay has been my greatest inspiration. She has been my best friend. She has never put me down, she has forgiven me for my failures, she has loved me unconditionally. She prays for me (and gives me freedom to golf whenever I want---most times).
Those qualities have a sticker that says "made in Heaven"

Thank you Dear for loving me. When I feel like the old sway-back horse that grazes in the pasture across the road by himself all day you make me feel like the eagles that nested within sight of our home. Thank you for bearing our four children: Dale, Kerry, Maureen and Elaine and feeding them a healthy diet of meat and vegetables along with mental challenges of understanding the higher values of life -- about knowing God and serving Him.

I don't know who is going to read this, but I'm not ashamed to say it.


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