Saturday, August 05, 2006


I love anniversaries. Fay & I are going to Penticton today to join our daughter, Maureen and her husband, David in the celebration of their 25th wedding anniversary, which was Aug. 1.

I remember the day when I as pastor of the church in Hope, which they attended, I had the honor and the privilege of tying the matrimonial knot. That same week 25 years ago Prince Charles of Great Britain had married Dianna who then became Princess Dianna. The whole world heard about the Royal Wedding. Unfortunately Charles and Dianna's relationship became estranged as husband and wife and the "knot" that tied them together slipped and they divorced.

What the world didn't hear was that a young couple in the little town of Hope, British Columbia, Canada exchanged their vows of love and commitment. So today I'm going public. CONGRATULATIONS, to David, you hansom prince. When life has not always been bliss it has always been blessed. Continue to build your castle with love and faithfulness. Maureen, you charming princess, when life for you wasn't fair it was always fun. You bring the music of the soul into the palace. So dance with your prince through dark days as well as bright days. Remember the cord that tied you together was made of unbreakable material called unconditional love.


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