Sunday, July 30, 2006


I went to a car racing show last night. I had declined my son, Dale's, invited several times previously. So when he offered to pay for my entrance fee I accepted.

It was my first time at a live car racing event. It captured my attention for over 2 hours and it had some surprises for me. Not surprising was the deafening noise of the cars speeding past our vantage point at each lap around the track. The smell of exhause fumes mixed with the smells of crunched metal and spilled flueds was nauseous to the point of tasting it. The sight was frightening. To involve all my senses I could say that the feeling was gripping as the cars crashed against the wall in excruciating pain. "It's all right," Dale said. "They are not even bringing in the medical people."

I was surprised at the behavor of the spectators. I had expected outburst of unruly demonstrations of approval or disapproval. After all this is an emotional high speed sport. On our way home I commented to Dale, "I actually enjoyed that." I think he was surprised.

How do you link this to God? Probably you could find many points of analogy. Just let me say this. I'm going to attend a church service this morning to settle my nerves. Why don't you find a place of worship...the experience may surprise you..


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